The Sudler Trophy

John Philip Sousa Foundation representative Gordon Henderson unveils the Sudler Trophy to the Pride of Arizona.

Sudler Trophy Presentation

November 15, 2024

On November 15, 2024, the Pride of Arizona officially became the 34th recipient of the Sudler Trophy. The Sudler Trophy is given biennially to a collegiate marching band that demonstrates sustained excellence and outstanding contributions to the American way of life.

Gordon Henderson, Professor Emeritus of Music from University of California Los Angeles, represented the John Philip Sousa Foundation and presented the trophy to Professor Chad Shoopman, Director of Athletic Bands, Dr. Suresh Garimella, President of the University of Arizona, and Desirée Reid-Francois, Vice President and Director of Athletics.

Former directors and assistant directors Gary Cook, Steve Steele, Joe Hermann, Jay Rees, and Yudai Ueda were present, and surviving family members Alice Keene (James Keene), Marie Sierra and Nick Feldman (Enrique “Hank” Feldman) served as de facto representatives. Each former director was given an inscribed plaque honoring his years of service to the Pride.

Mary Kivell and Jenny Ames represented the Sudler family and took part in the on-field presentation as well as the accompanying events that took place from November 14-16, 2024.

Selection Committee Submission

See the Pride of Arizona’s submitted materials that won over the Sudler Trophy Selection Committee.

See Submission

Full Presentation Photos

See all photos from the Sudler Trophy Presentation at halftime during the Arizona vs Houston football game, Friday, November 15, 2024. (Photos by Rebecca Sasnett and Kiara Garrett)

See Photos

Alumni Celebration Banquet

November 14, 2024

The largest celebration took place on Thursday, November 14. Alumni, former directors, honored guests, and other celebrants gathered for an Alumni/Sudler Celebration Banquet. During the course of the evening, attendees visited, perused memorabilia, and listened to a panel discussion of former directors. The evening finished with the entire 288-member Pride of Arizona parading into the ballroom and treating guests to a 20-minute stand-still performance.

Full Banquet Photos

See photos from the Alumni/Sudler Celebration Banquet on Thursday, November 14, 2024. (Photos by Rebecca Sasnett)

See Photos